January 2016
April 2016
About him:
Baby "Louie" was brought to us shortly after his mother passed away from his c-section delivery. She was only 24 years old. With the grandmother already caring for his two older siblings and his father all alone, there was no family who could help care for this tiny baby and provide him with the formula that he needed. He is now a hefty healthy baby that is always happy and loves to drink milk. Louie's father is thankful for his care and comes to volunteer his labor once a week at the children's home. He loves to visit and is busy making plans for Louie to be permanently reunited with him after his need for formula is over. Born: January 18, 2016 Arrival: January 20, 2016 |
December 2015
April 2016
About Him:
Charles father passed away when his mother was pregnant and his mother shortly after his birth. Both were suspected HIV positive and since his mother received no prenatal care it is difficult to tell if his tiny weight (1.9kg) at 9 days of age was due to being born early or the sickness of his mother. After her passing family drove him 2 hours on a motorcycle to bring him to here. Since then he has struggled with diarhea, colds, and various skin conditions but he is a fighter and will let you know when he needs something. When feeling well he is such a sweetie who loves to coo and cuddle and one of his favorite things to do is suck his thumb. Born: December 22, 2015 Arrival: December 31, 2015 |
October 2015
April 2016
About her:
Martha came to our home when she was 2 weeks old after her healthy mother started vomiting blood one afternoon and passed away that evening. Since they knew that Martha could not last long on the sweet corn meal water they were giving her they brought her to us. Her father actively visits and volunteers his labor at the children's home until the time she can be reunited with him and her 5 older siblings. She is a smiling, healthy, bouncing, and beautiful baby girl who loves to suck her middle two fingers. We couldn't ask for a happier baby! Born: October 4, 2015 Arrival: October 17, 2015 |
May 2015
April 2016
About her:
Joyce's mother has Parkinson's, and when she could no longer hold or feed her baby without uncontrollable shaking, she asked for our help. Since her first husband died and Joyce's father deserted her, life has been difficult. Joyce has 5 siblings all of whose schooling opportunities have been greatly affected (two are drop outs, one is in school, and the other not in school yet, though age 10) and out of their love they wanted more for Joyce. She is an active happy baby whose nose scrunch when she smiles is so cute. She loves to plsy with musical toys, make musical noise, and all around she is a delight. Born: April 3, 2015 Arrival: May 4, 2015 |
December 2014
April 2016
About him:
Elijah was brought to us late one night when his mother died shortly after giving birth. He is a relative of the Chief, and since his father's whereabouts are "unknown" we have agreed to keep him until the age of 3 when he will be reunited back into the Chiefs family. Elijah has an easy but shy personality and is very attached to his housemother Ennie. He sticks close by his older "sisters" and feels most comfortable exploring in the safety of their presence. Born: December 20, 2014 Arrival: December 27, 2014 |
August 2014
April 2016
About him:
Chipo has big bright eyes that can't be missed. The mothers are constantly chasing after him because he is fearless and loves to explore, giving his "mothers" grey hair. His mother has battled with both mental illness and epilepsy since 2011 and often has fits where she falls to the ground. His father is unknown. Depending on her health his mother visits when she can. Chipo has never met a stranger! His curiosity and love to discover how things works keeps everyone on their toes! Born: August 26, 2014 Arrival: August 29, 2014 |
September 2012
April 2016
About him:
Wilson is Salomi's younger half-brother and is always trying to keep up with the big kids. Often times Wilson thinks he is older than he often is. He loves to help his mom in the garden digging and planting different vegetables, and after church loves to sing songs all day. Wilson's grandmother visits often, though is unable to care for him and Salomi permanently due to the full time job of taking care of his mentally ill mother. Born: Sept 29, 2012 Arrived: Sept 13, 2012 (not yet born) |
October 2011
April 2016
About him:
Isaac was born to a young 19 year old mother who became pregnant while at school. During her pregnancy she developed sore and swollen gums with ear pain. Eventually bursting, the trauma caused Isaac to be born one month early, and his mother passed shortly after. He arrived small and sleepy, but not long after arriving he had a severe case of diarrhea and was rushed to hospital. By Gods mercy Isaac pulled through but still struggles with chronic asthma which is made worse by crying. Due to the special care his "mother" Ennie had to give him, he is definitely a mamma's boy and loves to sneak into her room at night for an extra hug. Despite all of this Isaac is a sturdy and robust boy with the nickname "Chief". Isaac has great rhythm and boy does he love to dance! Born: Sept 10, 2011 Arrival: October 10, 2011 |
September 2011
April 2016
About him:
Emmanuel was referred to us from the local village clinic after his HIV + mother passed away. His mother was on ARV's and the family (of 13, 10 of which were children) caring for him were feeding him thin maize liquid after the mother passed. Emmanuel arrived pale and with a skin condition that didn't seem to have a cure. Fortunately, after many different treatments, he is now healthy and thriving. His nickname is Pumbu and you will often find him outside climbing trees and racing around pretending to drive cars. Emmanuel is a very sweet boy who loves being held and hugged. Born: August 18, 2011 Arrival: October 1, 2011 |
May 2011
April 2016
About him:
Nchimunya came to us after his mother passed away. Knowing that his previous two siblings had died at the ages of 1 and 2 due to hunger, the family quickly brought him to Mission of Love. He is very close and protective of his "brother" Emmanuel and has a very mischievous smile and lots of energy. Nchimunya is a bit of a live wire with his highs and lows. When he is happy he is very happy and when he is not, watch out! Nicknamed "Chimu" (Chee- moo) by his mother, he loves to sing and pretend to drive cars. Born: March 29, 2011 Arrival: May 29, 2011 |
February 2011
April 2016
About her:
Salomi was born two months premature to an HIV+ mother who died shortly after her birth. The grandmother attempted to feed her a groundnut porridge for 3 days and she arrived very tiny and vulnerable. Salomi was blessed to be nursed back to health by a medical missionary family. Wilson is her half-brother. She loves school, learning and she listens well. Salomi does not depend on extra attention to feel secure and has an easy going, genuine, heartfelt personality. Born: February 11, 2011 Arrival: April 15, 2011 |
June 2010
April 2016 |
About her:
Genesis was the first baby that arrived in our home. She was born about 6 weeks premature, weighed a mere 1.8kg and would not (could not?) cry, even when hungry. Her mother was HIV+, mentally ill, and suspected to have TB, passing shortly after her birth. Genesis has grown so much since then into a bright eyed girl who loves to help anyone in need. Though she struggled socially for a time after her first housemother Rachael passed, she is now has many friends and is well loved. Genesis enjoys hugs and cuddles and if you need to be cheered up, her smile will brighten your day. Born: June 17, 2010 Arrival: June 21, 2010 |
March 2011
April 2016
About him:
Mainza came to us as a very malnourished baby with a rash all over his skin. After his parents both passed from illness, and due to insufficient food he kept loosing weight. At 16 moths of age Mainza weighed the same that he did at 6 months of age and was only able to stand with much assistance. He is now doing well and excelling in school. A best friend to our son Jakob, Mainza loves building roads and pretending to drive anything on it. He also loves to build houses from bricks. Born: January 29, 2010 Arrival: March 25, 2011 |
January 2012
April 2016 |
About him:
Ruth arrived when she was one and a half years old, very malnourished, and with so little will to live it was scary. After her parents both passed away from HIV she was being cared for by a family of 5 adults and 17 children. She was very sick with HIV complicated by stomach TB and at the time could not even sit without assistance. God however chose to heal Ruth and she is an amazing miracle since she is so strong and healthy now with no evidence of any major developmental delays. She has an easy smile and loves to be social, alternating from playing on her own and with others, either way being content. Ruth enjoys helping around the house and planting flowers, but most of all playing with friends. Born: May 21, 2010 Arrived: January 31,2012 |
May 2015
April 2016
About her:
Miyoba is the younger sister to Gertrude, who was born and raised in Lusaka before both parents passed away from HIV. After their death, she stayed with an aunt in the city for a year before being brought to her grandparents in the village. It was such a big transition from city life to village life that both siblings easily understood why the parents asked for them to be cared for at the children's home. How happy they were to have proper food, an opportunity to go to school, and a bed once again. Miyoba is a sweet, kind child who has a humble heart and is always willing to help She is doing very well in school is almost always smiling. She loves to play with the other children and especially her brother "Elijah." Born: 2009 Arrival: May 13, 2015 |
August 2011
April 2016
About him:
Sanford arrived at our home when he was three or four years old. His mother became pregnant while in school and eventually passed away due to a bad and enlarged heart. He arrived very malnourished with yellow hair, yellow eyes, and stomach TB. Due to Stanford's age his transition into the home was one of the hardest, since he personally felt the rejection of being given away, but was not old enough to understand that it was done to give him a chance at life. As his health improved and the mothers and children showered love on him, he has become very well adjusted. Stanford now enjoys being "the man of the house" (since the older boys are now all in Kalomo) and is a well admired brother to all his younger "siblings". He enjoys learning and reading, and dreams of one day taking care of animals and driving a car. Born: 2007 Arrival: August 17, 2011 |
February 2010
April 2016
About her:
Millium was the youngest of the first eight children to arrive to our home. Both parents had passed due to suspected HIV and stomach problems. She was quite a spitfire at first, but now has matured into a sweet, soft spoken, and tender young lady. She loves to help by taking care of the babies and assisting the mothers around the house. Millium loves to dance and hopes to someday become a nurse. Born: 2004 Arrival: January 6, 2010 |
May 2015
April 2016
About her:
Gertrude and her sister came to the children's home a year and a half ago after being relocated from Lusaka. After both her mother and father passed away in the city, they moved here to the village to live with their grandmother. It was a hard transition from city to village life and soon they need our help. She was quickly accepted by Millium and Otavia and soon completed "the three silly amigos". We are so greatful for Gertrude's beautiful smile and adorable laugh. She loves to read and hopes to one day become a teacher. Born: September 2004 Arrival: May 13, 2015 |
June 2011
April 2016
About her:
Otavia came to our children's home three years ago after both of her parents passed and she was diagnosed as HIV+. Her previous two siblings had died at birth, and though she was enrolled for grade 1 she was unable to complete it due to being so sick. When she arrived both her body and spirit were broken, but now God has begun to return joy to her life. Although she is quiet and reserved she is a big help to her mom by caring for the babies. She has an active prayer life and a beautiful heart. Born: 2002 Arrival: June 14, 2011 |